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Summer Mission Trip Applications

We are excited to announce a new application process for creating mission teams. We feel this will be fairer and less stressful than the old “first-come, first-served” process. Youth will fill out this Google Form to apply for mission trips. We want to allow time for thoughtful responses. Parents, please do not answer the questions for your child. Our team feels this will help limit some issues Realm has given us in the past. Please answer these questions by Monday, November 6th 5:00 PM.  We will announce the mission teams on November 9th and send a registration link at that time to make the deposit for their spot on the team.

Here is the application again and a brief description of each trip.

The Youth Team will look at the following factors when forming mission teams:

Spiritual & Interpersonal Maturity – We know these trips can be instrumental in developing a life-long faith for youth. At the same time, we want to give the opportunity to youth who have demonstrated they are ready to take on such a challenge. We find it important to take youth who know when to have fun and when to have an attitude of reflection. We accept that students are at different places along their spiritual paths. The only requirement is a desire to start or continue their faith journey.


Previous Attendance/Participation – Has your youth showed up this year on Sunday nights, Small Groups, Confirmation or previous mission trip/retreats? Do they make an effort to engage when they are present? If they have not been able to attend do we feel they are ready for this opportunity & need the chance for this trip in order to bolster their faith journey? We know life gets busy – this does not mean we only will take those who have been most engaged. We honor the fact “life happens” and this may just be a springboard for their faith journey!

Application Questions – We add these questions because the considerations above are only our observations. We wanted to provide a way for youth to share their own experiences as well with us! Please keep in mind this is not a college application. Don’t stress over this process…just be sincere and thorough.

We are already praying over these trips and looking forward to a great summer with you!

Alaska Pilgrimage for Seniors (Spots open)
June 15 - June 24, 2024
Cost $3,000.00

High School Seniors are invited to join us on a pilgrimage to Alaska to work with Praying Pelicans Missions. We would fly into Anchorage and spend a few days working with mission partners. Then we will take a small plane to one of the Indigenous Villages (possibly Elam) and spend 2-3 days working in this small community. At the end of the trip, we will possibly rent a house and do sightseeing trips to the Kenai Peninsula.


Middle School Austin Texas  (Spots open)
June 16-21, 2024
Cost $1,500.00  
Open to current 6th, 7th and 8th graders

We are partnering again with Be the Neighbor participating in Austin Food Justice Missions. We will serve various organizations including urban gardens, food pantries, and food service. Our group will engage in experiential learning activities, work with faith-based organizations that advocate on behalf of people struggling with hunger, speak daily with guest leaders working in food justice related vocations, and participate in a mock legislative hearing on food justice related issues at the Texas Capitol. Our group will have time together each evening for a justice-based Bible study and discussion focused on learning about root causes, systemic issues, policy and advocacy, so that we may go back to our community with a vision to work toward food justice beyond the mission trip week.


High School Costa Rica Mission Trip (Waitlist Only)
July 5-12, 2024
Cost $1,900.00
Current 9th - 12th graders

We will be going to Costa Rica to work alongside Costa Rica Mission Projects and Wil Bailey. This will be a week of mission-building work and team-building with a local church.  


Mexico Faith Ministries Mission Trip (Spots open)
July 21-27, 2024
Cost $1,600.00
Current 9th - 12th graders.

Join our team to work alongside Faith Ministry located on the Mexican Border. We will be building three cement houses and pouring three roofs for families while making a difference one block, one smile, one new friend at a time.

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