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Meck Min Youth Summit

Join Us for MeckMIN's Interfaith Youth Summit, August 10-11, Myers Park United Methodist Church: We are bringing together youth from different faiths, races and socioeconomic backgrounds to learn more about each other’s traditions and serve our local community. Participants will experience and visit various social agencies and houses of faith for worship, dialogue, fellowship, food, and fun! Upon completion, attendees will be awarded a certificate in religious diversity. Registration fees are on a sliding scale;pay what you can. Register HERE.

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Rising 8th Grade Confirmation Sign-up

Rising 8th graders are invited to join us for a year-long Confirmation class. Meetings are Sundays from 6 to 8 p.m. Confirmation begins on September 8 with an opening worship that both youth and parents should attend.

Retreat weekends are September 27-29, 2024 and April 25-27, 2025. Retreats are a mandatory part of Confirmation so please go ahead and add them to your calendar. SIGN UP HERE

Summer Hangout Times

NEW! Summer Serve Stations: Are you able to work remotely? Do you have afternoons off? Help us out by signing up to monitor the third floor or gym in our new space this summer. You can sign up HERE and email if you have any questions.  


NEW! Center of Hope Summer Hours: We have loved hanging out with you after school each day. Thanks for showing up! You can access our summer calendar HERE. Any middle or high schooler visiting outside of these times MUST be accompanied by an adult. Please note that we have several groups staying with us this summer and during that time the gym will be closed. We ask that you respect this closure to honor their space. Also, Vacation Bible School and Summer Fun Days will use the gym regularly. We want to champion the wonderful work of Children’s Ministries and ask that you NOT enter the gym before the scheduled time this summer.

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